Some Common Causes of HVAC Airflow Problems

When you invest in a top HVAC system, you expect it to heat or cool your commercial or residential space effectively. However, the truth is, often people experience issues with their HVAC system, especially with its airflow. For instance, you may notice cold and hot spots in your office due to airflow issues. You may also experience pressure imbalance, low airflow or weak air flow, or warm air coming out of your AC system. If you let these types of problems persist in your HVAC system, it might experience compressor failure. And when that happens, in most cases you then need to get a new system. However, the good news is, many of the HVAC airflow problems can be fixed quite easily if you know the causes of those problems. In this blog, we will tell you what some of those causes are. Let’s get started.

AC airflow deflector

Blocked Condenser Unit

This is a common HVAC airflow problem, but you can fix it quite easily. You must be aware that condensing unit of air-cooled AC systems are installed outside or placed in a mechanical room. Units that are placed outside often get obstructed due to accumulated debris and leaves. And units that are placed in mechanical rooms can face obstruction because of other items in the mechanical room. To receive better airflow, make sure the condensing unit is not obstructed by any debris or equipment.

Clogged Filters

Many people forget to change their air conditioner’s filters at fixed intervals, which is a big mistake. As you might know, the job of an air filter is to stop dust and debris from making their inside your equipment and ducts. However, it is essential to keep in mind that filters become clogged after a point of time. If you continue to use such filters, needless to say your HVAC will experience reduced airflow. Plus, if excessive debris enters your equipment, essential parts of the system can get damaged. So, it is best to change air filters of your HVAC system according to your system usage and manufacturer’s instructions.

Obstructed Vents And Registers

Another simple way of improving air flow through the vents in your office is to keep vents and registers totally open and free from any kind of impediment. People in offices usually don’t agree on the thermostat setting. If a person or a group of people feel too cold, a filing cabinet gets placed in front of the AC register. Doing such things can affect HVAC airflow. In such situations, it is best to make use of AC airflow deflector/diverter. With the help of this HVAC accessory, you can easily deflect the drafts so that you do not feel too cold or hot. Or, if you’re not receiving the level of heating or cooling you desire, deflectors can redirect the air from the vent to a spot of your liking.

Most HVAC airflow issues can be fixed easily if you educate yourself about the common causes of those issues. Also, proper maintenance of the system ensures consistent airflow throughout your office. You can also consider investing in different types of HVAC accessories such as diffusers, diverters, and deflectors to maximize your system’s output.


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