Increase Your HVAC Efficiency With AC Air Diverters

Uninterrupted and fresh airflow throughout your commercial space is known to perform a crucial role in the heating and cooling efficiency of the system. If the AC air diverters aren’t aimed for ideal indoor comfort, your business won’t get the most out of your unit. When it comes to efficient heating or cooling, closing the vents in unused rooms can be more damaging than beneficial. With heating and cooling accounting for 50 percent of your commercial space’s electricity bill every month, it is essential to leave the vents open and utilize air diverters to cut down energy costs and maximize your HVAC output. Why Aim And Redirect Air Vents Through Deflectors Return air is circulated through the space and returned to the system for additional conditioning. Once the air conditioning unit treats this return air, it travels through the ductwork and exits out the supply vent connected to the building’s ceilings, walls, or floors. AC ceiling vent deflectors are an excellent addition for prov...